Just about back to normal after all the wedding excitement, though we all keep emailing and face book-ing each other saying how wonderful it was. It knocked spots off the Royal Wedding.
I had a lovely retreat day with Ditchling Friends on Saturday at the Blue Idol, an oddly named Quaker meeting house at Thakeham about fifteen miles away. No one knows why it is called that There is a particular quality of peacefulness there which just does your soul good. (And we had the usual Bring and Share lunch which Ditchling Quakers excel at and which is always a gastronomic treat)
I went to see a terrible film last night called Bridesmaids which was praised in the Guardian, Observer, Front Row etc. It was about six really silly women. It is good to see a bad film sometimes as it shows just how good our film society is in Ditchling Village Hall which always shows winners.
Yesterday I did my usual stint with the Infants at St Lukes. The class teacher is a joy to watch. She speaks very, very quietly to the children and listens attentively to everything they say. It is inspiring.