Sunday, 1 August 2010

Since my last, I have survived : falling off my bike into a huge bed of nettles from which I had to be ignominously hauled out, walking to the top of Ditchling Beacon with dear D who came to stay, (it was very steep the last bit)  joining an Aquafit class which was in deep water with weights on me ( I do not think I will go again) and in the meantime I am still trying to chivvy Garden Wrecking Gordon who turns up for an hour or so on most days and creates chaos.  But he has soundproofed my back yard with a barrier above the garden gate so I forgive him.   I can now eat my breakfast outside in comparative peace. Also he is going to feed the cat when I  go to join the Darling Tribe for the annual exodus to the Isle of Wight.  Will I still be able to scramble down the cliffs for a swim at Compton Bay I wonder?