Sunday, 22 September 2013

Home Sweet Home.

Well here I am at last in my newly painted sitting room looking out on to a green field and a clump of oak trees. There are several plump rabbits lolloping about in the field and three squirrels on the bird table plus birds of various shapes and sizes fluttering around. This is a nice change from the juggernauts roaring past St Dominic`s Cottage. Also I can go from room to room, (all four of them) without negotiating precipitous stairs, so I am glad I moved. Moving house is like childbirth. You forget how excruciating it was once it is over. Daughter J did amazingly sterling work unpacking boxes and helping on the actual day and son T has just been to stay for a couple of days and he did the computer, tuned the TV and re assembled the grandfather clock. I had been muttering threats to get rid of the clock as I thought it looked a bit silly in this little bungalow but now it is installed, I find its familiar ticking comforting. I am so glad to have my laptop working again. I feel quite at home here already. B.Wiggins is happy. There are good dog walks round here, and I do not have to walk along the roads. We come home from our early morning walkies soaked from the foggy foggy dew.