Thursday, 22 July 2010

Gordon is making a terrible mess in my backyard but promises to clear it all up tomorrow.I notice that he has started painting the inside of the kitchen wiindows and doors as well as the outside. Yesterday a gust of wind blew a large pot of paint off an upstairs window sill, so there was great pallaver clearing that up.   The traffic is very noisy up and down the road outside.  Gordon says it will cost two thousand pounds to do double glazing and think of the mess he would make in my front room!  I think I will put up with the noise.
I sat for the Art Group again yesterday.  I was a bit shocked when I peeped at the results. I looked a real old crone but never mind.   They like me as a model as I am used to sitting still in Quaker meetings.  I pick up all sorts of useful tips about bus times, swimming pools, and local gossip.  It is very interesting.