Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Yesterday was grand daughter M`s eighteenth birthday. It is such a landmark.  I remember her birth in the Royal Free in London as if it was yesterday. J and I wandered on Hampstead Heath and had a swim in the Ladies Pond, the day before. It was green and murky but lovely as it was a hot, hot day. Then we went to a concert at a church in Baker Street and it was the first time I had heard Taverner`s music and I cried.  We had a good celebration yesterday with a slap up tea (J`s sumptuous meringues) and champagne. Her exams start on Friday.
I tried really hard to be a proper bus travelling old age pensioner today. I was going to lunch with R in Lewes and jumped on the 824 flashing my free pass, but instead of Lewes it took me to Burgess Hill, in the opposite direction.   Apparently it only goes to Lewes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I have never got the hang of bus timetables.So I eventually arrived very late by car.   I must try to improve. 
Tomorrow `the Lads`are coming, my three old bachelor friends.  We all used to meet at Music summer school in Oxford, year after year, and also play Schubert`s Trout quintet on New Years Day. Friend K is coming too so it will be quite a party.  I am just going to make a cake.