The news is riveting. Ever since the election, they are all at it hammer and tongs, but now it seems that decent boring Gordon has shuffled off and slick fresh faced Cameron is in charge plus Cleggy whom I am noit sure about though he is against Trident.. I am glad that fatherly reliable Vince Cable is included in the new cabinet. Still what do I know about it all?
Remembering what my humble house moving was like I do worry about the Camerons and Browns sorting out and packing up all those toys, bikes, contents of the bathroom cupboards and old handbags. Perhaps they have armies of skivivies but even so, what a job, especially with the stairs at number ten.
Every day still is like a holiday here. I toddle along to the shops, get the Guardian, read it, have a cup of coffee, go for a little bike ride, have an afternoon rest and so it goes on. I am going to a Frugal Lunch at the Quakers today in aid of something, and I will try and find out if there are any writing or reading groups in Ditchling that I can join
Jordan, a lovely garden bloke came round last night with some plans for my backyard. I am so excited. He will hopefully start at the beginning of June.