Friday, 7 May 2010

Yesterday I went to a park in Hove with J,six year old Tiger and bike and Jumble the dog. There was a playground for old people there, exercise machines you could heave yourself up and down on and kick your legs about. What a good idea. I had a go on them all with the other oldies in the park and then later had a swim with grand daughter G at St Lukes, the Victorian pool near J`s house.. I have now got a card for free swimming so should keep fit though I also have developed a habit of going to cafes, yesterday, a bacon butty in the morning and a lemon croissant in the afternoon.. 
I tried to stay awake for the election, but fell asleep while they were burbling on.  Good that a Green has got in for Brighton, but I am sad that our Lib Dem did not make it in Winchester where I did my postal vote, a Tory back there, alas.
I have just had a funny time getting my Broadband to work, it gave up this am. I spent what seemed like an hour being talked through by a very polite chap in Calcutta who was patient as I got into a right panic, scuttling around from the blue flashing lights on the gizmo to the computer and trying to hold the phone, type and understand his directions all at the same time. What a relief whenit was over and it works.