Monday, 17 May 2010

Idling at the Blue Idol

I went on a day retreat at the Blue Idol. It is an ancient Quaker Meeting House in Coolham in Sussex It is a strange name for a MH, but one theory is that it was once painted blue and also it was idle ie unoccupied for a few years way back in the 17th century.   It is beautiful and peaceful, and just the place for me to be idle in. The day was organised by the Ditchling Quakers and there was the usual delicious bring and share lunch, so we were well quiched in true Q tradition. We did some walking meditation round the garden. The grasss was a bit bumpy, but I did not fall over, always a hazard with your eyes shut.
I also tried to write a bit  about change and moving house.  It is the little things I notice more, and the familiar objects that I have either lost or deliberately left behind like the old saucepan I boiled my breakfast egg in. I get phone calls, texts, emails and cards from all my old friends so I still feel in touch with them.   E rang to say that it was very odd without the cat in the Meeting House in Winchester.