Saturday, 29 May 2010

The Tiger who came to Tea (or rather who stayed the night)

I got up earlier than usual, because grand daughter Rose who is always known as Tiger, is staying with me.  It is the first time ever that T has stayed away without her mum,  though she is six. We had breakfast and then we did cooking. My new kitchen is a good place to cook. Grand daughter F, partner R and baby Arthur are coming to stay tomorrow. 
I made bread in Diana Lewis`s bread tins She is well over ninety and she has decided to go into a Home,so she asked me if there was anything I would like, so I chose the tins They are well seasoned after a lifetime of use and I am very pleased with them.  After the cooking, Tiger cleaned every available surface with a wet cloth and a bowl of soapy water, so it was all very enjoyable for us both.
Last night, daughter J and six of her friends came round for supper and we all played games, they call it impro. I am sometimes too shy to join in but  I love it and we all had such laughs.It has been scientifically proven that having a good laugh is very good for your health.
Last week I went back to Winchester for a few days and it felt fine. It was lovely to see everybody but good to come home to Ditchling too.   

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Yesterday was grand daughter M`s eighteenth birthday. It is such a landmark.  I remember her birth in the Royal Free in London as if it was yesterday. J and I wandered on Hampstead Heath and had a swim in the Ladies Pond, the day before. It was green and murky but lovely as it was a hot, hot day. Then we went to a concert at a church in Baker Street and it was the first time I had heard Taverner`s music and I cried.  We had a good celebration yesterday with a slap up tea (J`s sumptuous meringues) and champagne. Her exams start on Friday.
I tried really hard to be a proper bus travelling old age pensioner today. I was going to lunch with R in Lewes and jumped on the 824 flashing my free pass, but instead of Lewes it took me to Burgess Hill, in the opposite direction.   Apparently it only goes to Lewes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I have never got the hang of bus timetables.So I eventually arrived very late by car.   I must try to improve. 
Tomorrow `the Lads`are coming, my three old bachelor friends.  We all used to meet at Music summer school in Oxford, year after year, and also play Schubert`s Trout quintet on New Years Day. Friend K is coming too so it will be quite a party.  I am just going to make a cake.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Idling at the Blue Idol

I went on a day retreat at the Blue Idol. It is an ancient Quaker Meeting House in Coolham in Sussex It is a strange name for a MH, but one theory is that it was once painted blue and also it was idle ie unoccupied for a few years way back in the 17th century.   It is beautiful and peaceful, and just the place for me to be idle in. The day was organised by the Ditchling Quakers and there was the usual delicious bring and share lunch, so we were well quiched in true Q tradition. We did some walking meditation round the garden. The grasss was a bit bumpy, but I did not fall over, always a hazard with your eyes shut.
I also tried to write a bit  about change and moving house.  It is the little things I notice more, and the familiar objects that I have either lost or deliberately left behind like the old saucepan I boiled my breakfast egg in. I get phone calls, texts, emails and cards from all my old friends so I still feel in touch with them.   E rang to say that it was very odd without the cat in the Meeting House in Winchester.    

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

The news is riveting. Ever since the election, they are all at it hammer and tongs, but now it seems that decent boring Gordon has shuffled off and slick fresh faced Cameron is in charge plus Cleggy whom I am noit sure about though he is against Trident.. I am glad that fatherly reliable Vince Cable is included in the new cabinet.  Still  what do I know about it all?
Remembering what my humble house moving was like I do worry about the Camerons and Browns sorting out and packing up all those toys, bikes, contents of the bathroom cupboards and old handbags.  Perhaps they have armies of skivivies but even so, what a job, especially with the stairs at number ten.
Every day still is like a holiday here. I toddle along to the shops, get the Guardian, read it, have a cup of coffee, go for a little bike ride, have an afternoon rest and so it goes on. I am going to a Frugal Lunch at the Quakers today in aid of something, and I will try and find out if there are any writing or reading groups in Ditchling that I can join
Jordan, a lovely garden bloke came round last night with some plans for my backyard. I  am so excited.  He will hopefully start at the beginning of June.

Friday, 7 May 2010

Yesterday I went to a park in Hove with J,six year old Tiger and bike and Jumble the dog. There was a playground for old people there, exercise machines you could heave yourself up and down on and kick your legs about. What a good idea. I had a go on them all with the other oldies in the park and then later had a swim with grand daughter G at St Lukes, the Victorian pool near J`s house.. I have now got a card for free swimming so should keep fit though I also have developed a habit of going to cafes, yesterday, a bacon butty in the morning and a lemon croissant in the afternoon.. 
I tried to stay awake for the election, but fell asleep while they were burbling on.  Good that a Green has got in for Brighton, but I am sad that our Lib Dem did not make it in Winchester where I did my postal vote, a Tory back there, alas.
I have just had a funny time getting my Broadband to work, it gave up this am. I spent what seemed like an hour being talked through by a very polite chap in Calcutta who was patient as I got into a right panic, scuttling around from the blue flashing lights on the gizmo to the computer and trying to hold the phone, type and understand his directions all at the same time. What a relief whenit was over and it works.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

midnight flit

I left Winchester about midnight on Friday as I could not bear the thought of any more sad goodbyes and also I knew I would not sleep.  The car was packed up and I captured the struggling cat to put her in a basket so off we went. It is all surprisingly pleasant and comfortable. J came round and hung up the pictures and the family from Brighton came and we had scones for tea.
It has poured with rain all day and I am longing to get out on my bike and explore the country lanes.   But I went to an event in Brighton which was part of the Festival  on the subject of Compassion, and a lot of it about attitudes to old people so that struck home.
I seem to have been very busy since I retired!

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Crumbs on the Aga

To look at my old blog click on the link below.