I am about to leave for Cumbria to stay with dear friends M and D, and I am going as before via Winchester so that I can travel with C and we can face the vagaries of the railway system together, Hopefully,we will have our usual hot cross- buns- with- cheese and marmalade for out packed lunch, which is another tradition of this annual journey. It is difficult to work out what to wear and pack as it is positively tropical here today in Ditchling, but it may snow in Kendal.
B.Wiggins is going to stay in Brighton, where he is desperately trying to make friends with the cat who glares at him and occasionally tries to bite him. BW is enjoying the Tour de Yorkshire as he often hears his name mentioned on the radio and cocks up his ears delightedly.
I have just heard on the news that Donald Crump will almost certainly be the Republican candidate. What a ghastly prospect. Suppose he actually becomes the next President. I heard someone say, he is not just comical, he is poisonous. Just think of the `special relationship` The poor old queen would have to have him to stay. It doesn`t bear thinking about. I am just pinning my hope on Hilary.
On my walk this morning,I almost bumped in to a fox who was sauntering along, Then BW had a stare out with a hare who lolloped off, unpursued. I also saw: horses, rabbits, sheep and lambs, geese, ducks and ducklings, hundreds of free range hens and countless squirrels. What a brilliant walk and in beautiful spring sunshine too.