Thursday, 27 February 2014

The flowers that bloom in the spring tra- la.-la.....

Any minute now it will be March and the masses of daffodils and Spring flowers blooming around Dumbrells Court will be legit and not like guests who turn up too early for a party and I can properly enjoy them.
At the Village Choir practice on Sunday we started on hits from The Sound of Music, so we old fogies were belting out `We are fifteen, going on sixteen`and the` Hills are Alive` etc also old Fred Astaire songs from Top Hat.      We are doing another concert soon.  Ditchling is a social whirl as I have said before.
We had a  good French film too in the Village Hall: The Untouchable about a quadriplegic and his very unconventional ex convict carer.It was funny and uplifting. One to watch out for.
At the Infants yesterday, we did puppets: Poor old Guy Fawkes again,  He comes up every year.  They could choose any character from the historical account, but I noticed that the boys did sinister bloodthirsty looking individuals with swords and helmets and horrid expressions, and the girls drew smiley faces and chose lacy collars with jewels and bows   I had a lovely afternoon as I like messing about with glue.
I went to Hertfordshire to visit brother P   I took B.Wiggins and we went on the train, which he very much enjoys as everybody makes a fuss of him. I had a good time too and luxuriated in morning tea in bed and delicious meals cooked by him in spite of his having a dreadful cold which miraculously I have not caught We are making plans for a trip to France in May. I do not think we have had a holiday together since we were children.