Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Blow Blow thou Winter Wind......

I thought I was going to take off as I walked along to the Infants today, the wind was so blusterous.  The children were all hyped up as they always are when it is windy and also they had been cooped up because of the rain. But we settled down to a bit of glinka work, I remember doing that even when I was at school, sewing in and out round a bit of material with holes in it. which needs frequent rethreading of needles.
There has been a gap in this blog because my laptop got ill and died. What a calamity  It is like losing a limb and having to learn a whole new way of doing things.  And then the printer wouldn`t co operate and make friends so I couldn`t print my Guardian crossword every day let alone the Quaker clerk`s stuff which needed doing. So I have been in a right state.
Last week I went to Winchester and also to London. On Monday, grandson M cut my hair as part of his assessment. He is a classical studies graduate but he is very happy learning to be a hair stylist at a posh salon in Winchester so I had a proper hairdo, a rare occurence and a real treat.    Then I went to London on Friday and stayed with grand daughter M who showed me how to do difficult things on my new computer.I am a lucky woman to have all this help.
Daughter J, gg Tiger, Bradley Wiggins, Jumble and I all drove up on Friday night and stayed at M`s flat in Hackney in one of those tall Victorian houses   I always feel at home in that part of London, I know it well.There is a spooky castle near Finsbury Park that once was a pumping station, but has now been turned into a climbing wall centre.   So M`s boyfriend and Tiger had a good time climbing up the turrets inside while the rest of us sat on sofas reading the Saturday Guardian.   Everyone climbing looked so keen and healthy.  And they even allowed B.Wiggins and Jumble in there.
I am very worried about all the poor people in Somerset who are flooded. Having been in a flood myself with sister J up near Newcastle last year, I know how awful it is to have smelly muddy water swirling around your knees.