I saw three films last week, how decadent is that? I enjoyed Iron Lady. It took me back to the eighties with all the awfulness of Maggie Thatcher. Meryl Streep was competely convincing. It was the mean little eyes, the tilt of the head and the walk. Then I saw The Artist a black and white silent movie with a wonderful dog in it, something different and original about that film that was very appealing. Both of those were on at the ghastly Cineworld in Brighton Marina which has a nightmarish car park. What a relief to go to the wonderful Ditchling film club which is literally two minutes round the corner in the Village Hall where I saw In the Mood for Love, which was a Chinese film, sad and subtle, beautifully acted.
The Ditchling Village Choir is branching out. We are going to sing a new work called The Wreck of the Titanic and perform it in Southampton and Cherbourg with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. It does sound rather unlikely. Perhaps I have got it slightly wrong? (I think some other choir may be joining us)