I went to London with my bike and to my enormous relief all the platforms at horrendous Clapham Junction now have lifts, so I did not have to do my helpless Old Person act to get a strapping chap to carry my bike up and down steps. Son C and family and I had a lovely ride along the Thames. The evening ended with yet another birthday party in Hove where we had a raffle to raise money for the African famine, What a good idea, though Quakers are not supposed to condone raffles as they are classed as Gambling. Then the next day I went to a Silver Wedding party. I tell you, life is just one long party these days.
I have seven year old grand daughter Tiger staying, and while she is waiting for me to finish this and take her swimming she is going round my house with the Flash and a damp cloth cleaning all surfaces very happily. We went to a violin recital last night at the Unitarians and she sat remarkably quietly, though I kept thinking how utterly alien it must be to a a child her age to listen to classical music.
Next week there is the family exodus to the Isle of Wight. Will Istill be able to clamber down the cliffs for a swim at Compton bay I wonder?