I have lots of worries over various friends` healths at the moment. I am conscious of the fact that no matter how healthily you eat, however many fish oil capsules you swallow, or teaspoonsful of Manuka honey, or swim early morning lengths, or go for bracing walks, your life can change dramatically overnight. `Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune` it says in the Desiderata, but I am not sure how to do that.
On a lighter note, I have just been to a lovely multi racial one year olds birthday party in Brighton which ended up with a bit of singing. And yesterday I was in Winchester at a sale in aid of the earthquake disaster fund, and there were my Japanese, Italian, Russian, Latvian, Chinese ex residents and friends (and English ones too!) and it was so good to see them all again. I ate sushi and noodles and got kissed in triplicate-once on each cheek and once more for luck.