Friday, 15 April 2011

carpe diem

A very fit and healthy looking (close) friend has a rare form of cancer, it is so odd that these things can happen out of a clear blue sky. It has shaken us up and into a world of hospitals, surgeons, operations, drips, drugs. The realisation that all this can be waiting round the corner at any time is unsettling, and reminds me to `seize the day` and make the most of every moment. Which I have been doing, as I have had visits from my dear family who have been flocking around during the last week, squeezing into this small cottage. And it has been sunny and springlike too.
I have seen two good films: Nowhere Boy about the Beatles , tragic in places but also inspiring which was at Lewes film club in a converted church, and `The Secrets in their Eyes `  in Ditchling village hall film club.   It s marvellous to see these good films in unlikely places. Both films were totally absorbing and stayed with me for days afterwards. `Secrets` was in Spanish with subtitles, which was far easier to follow than the muttering in Liverpudlian of the Beatles film.