Thursday, 30 April 2015

The Boy who Bit Picasso....

Only a week to go till the election and I am deeply interested in it all. How I wish one could organise for all the party leaders to go to a Quaker Meeting . It would do them a power of good to sit for an hour`s silence together instead of hurling insults, threats and insinuations at each other.     I carefully read the leaflets that rain through my letterbox and the only one that I have found to be plausible and sensible is the the one from the Green Party, so I am glad that I joined the Greens a few months ago. 

I went to a lovely play at the Infants yesterday. It was a touring drama group doing a play called The Boy who Bit Picasso, and it was based on a true incident when Picasso visited a family in Sussex many years ago. The Year 2`s were able to participate by painting and drawing in a Pcasso-ish way and they simply loved it. Incidentally, the director and writer of the play, Jake Oldershaw is the son of my one time dentist in the Isle of Wight and I remember lying in the dentist chair having my tooth drilled when his dad told me he had just had a baby boy, and this was about forty years ago!    It just shows how we are all connected up in various ways.

Daughter J is holding a Breakfast Party (with impro games and entertainment) at home on Sunday week in aid of the Nepal Earthquake Fund. It reminds me of the Indulgent Breakfasts at the Meeting House in Winchester, many years ago with dear C and G frying over a hundred eggs   J says she is serving porridge with fruit and nuts,  No eggs or kippers.