Marmalade time again .The Seville oranges are in Waitrose but all done up in little boxes with instructions, which rather spoils it somehow as there was always the pleasure of finding the small knobby looking oranges amongst the others in January.. Grand daughter T and I spent a pleasant afternoon slicing, squeezing and stirring and it set very well It is worth doing just for the heavenly marmaladey smell all through the house.
I am still hobbling about on my dodgy ankle and looking like the road sign which says Warning, Elderly People. What with all the horrific tales of A and E Departments and doctors surgeries unable to cope, I have decided not to seek medical advice, but just hope it gets better on its own, and refrain from doing any dancing or other dangerous activities. The rain and mud don`t help either on the twice daily dog walks,Snow and frost would be an easier option. But it is cosy indoors with my nice new pile of books to read..
I decided not to make any New Year Resolutions this year but to slide downhill without any efforts at self improvement Just try be as kind as possible to myself and other people.