Tuesday, 12 August 2014

I have been gadding about again. This time to Bath University campus with two thousand Quakers.  This was the annual jamboree, but every four years it is a week long event, though I could only manage a few days away,. It was held in a huge tent with great screens and all sorts of technology so I could hear every word.   It is very comforting to be amongst that lot:  serious, kind, earnest and set on Doing Good.   I feel very unworthy but glad to be there.     There were actually three hundred Quaker children there too which was lovely.   I enjoyed meeting lots of my old mates from Winchester and elsewhere and I had a great time. I stayed with J and P at Limpley Stoke which was a treat.   But it was nice, too, to come home to my little bungalow and collect B. Wiggins from Brighton.  
Since I got back, every dog walk is also a blackberrying expedition, there are masses in the hedgerows. It is a very good year. BW took the opportunity while I was busily picking, to roll in something horrid so I have just given him a bath in dog`s Tea Tree shampoo. He now smells like the Health Food shop and looks fluffy.
Daughter J and family are all away camping in the Isle of Wight, and I am going just for the day on Friday.
Here`s a good tip:  I pick some honeysuckle while I am doing the blackberries and during the day, you can`t smell it at all,  but in the evenings it is simply amazing , it scents the whole place.