Monday, 13 May 2013

Where Oh Where had my Little Dog Gone?

On Friday, old friends M and N came to visit from Totnes. We went for a walk up Lodge Hill
after lunch with B.Wiggins. It was a lovely sunny afternoon and we were talking away and enjoying the lovely views, but when we started to walk home, we realised that Wiggo was missing. We spent about an hour calling and calling and hunting, wondering if he was stuck down a rabbit hole. Eventually we sadly walked home, only to find him sitting on the doorstep looking very pleased with himself. He had found his way back through all the traffic, a miracle that he had not been run over.  Yesterday, grand daughter M cut his hair. I cannot afford Twinkletoes, the Poodle Parlour at the moment with the impending house move.   He does not look quite so cute without his facial hair (his Bradle Wiggins type ginger sideburns). but he can see better.
No date yet for the move, but as far as I know it is going ahead.It is going to be a DIY job, with grandchildren, sons, daughter and son in law helping. Luckily I got rid of such a lot when I moved from Winchester only three years ago. It will be a bit like Birnam Wood to Dunsinane with all my garden pots, some of which have grown very tall.
I went to hear Tracy Chevalier talk about her new book: The Last Runaway, part of the Brighton Festival. I love her novels (The Girl with the Pearl Earing, Remarkable Creatures and others) She was a brilliant speaker.   I enjoyed the book which is about a Quaker Woman in 1850`s America who helped runaway slaves.  Known as the Underground Railroad,  Quakers and others gave food and shelter to slaves escaping to Canada. I hope the book is made into a film, as it may become a good bit of Quaker Outreach. Tracy Chevalier now often goes to meeting.