I went to see Far From the Madding Crowd in the Village Hall performed by the local Am Dram Society the other night. My heart sank when I read the programme and saw that there were thirty nine scenes. My boredom threshold is very low and often find that things go on far too long and sleep intervenes. But it was excellent, very well acted, and I stayed awake throughout. I was worried about the sheep episodes but they were done off stage quite convincingly. Such a dramatic tale it is and thankfully a happy ending. I have started to read some Hardy again but not the very sad ones as they are so upsetting.
There is more drama over the bungalow. I had a letter from the solicitor saying that she has discovered that it is on what was originally Church land and there is something called Chancel tax, dating from the Reformation or some such time. This means that I could be liable to have to pay for a new church roof. (And me a Quaker too) I sent the letter on to son C who has kindly offered to try to sort it out. My hopes of moving in early June seem doomed to disappointment.