I went to the pool with Tiger and her friend as it was half term, and instead of sedately swimming my lengths as I usually do, I found myself imbroiled in `funtime` with jets of water cascading in every direction, strong currents sweeping me round and round, surrounded by a screaming inferno of children. Once I gor over the shock and became used to the noise, I rather enjoyed it. I also met old friends from Winchester amongst the heaving mass, lovely Francis McKeith`s daughter and grand daughters who were staying at a Youth Hostel nearby.
I have been having computer troubles both with the ghastly poetry moodle and also getting into this blog! I sometimes feel as if there are unseen forces conspiring against me. I miss the `big girls`from Brighton who are now away at uni as they were my computer gurus. But son T has been giving me some remote advice and I havegot back to the blog. I think I will abandon the moodle, I bit off more than I can chew there.
I went to the Dome in Brighton with son in law D ( a delayed birthday present) to see a stand up called Josie Long; political, funny, big and clumsy, like Miranda on the telly. She was a delight (I looked around at the packed audience and realised I was about three times the age of almost every one there but no matter)
I have been having builders in to see if it is practical to have a downstairs put in. I can see they are not keen as soon as they cross the threshhold. I asked one how long it would take and he said 5 or 6 weeks. I would have thought he could have built a whole row of houses in that time.