I still have a spectacular cough and cannot smell or taste anything. I hope this improves during the week as I have a very croaky voice, so will not be able to sing well for our choir trip to Cherburg for the Wreck of the Titanic,or taste the good French food.
I have been away in Bristol staying with eldest son over from US who was working at the university, and also my friend J. I went to the Bristol Art gallery to see the Leonardo da Vinci drawings (microscopically small, we were given a magnifying glass) and Eric Ravilious paintings which I love, also woodcuts by Peter Reddick who was a Quaker artist who never charged much for his works so that ordinary people could buy them.
It is a dreary wet Easter Sunday but we need the rain. As usual I forgot to buy any Easter eggs until yesterday and not a single one could I find, all sold out. When you think you can buy hot cross buns from Christmas onwards, it is odd that they don`t produce enough chocolate eggs, I feel I should complain to someone about it.