I miss my old writing group in Winchester. We met fortnightly on Tuesday mornings at each others houses, (with a tutor) and this had been part of my life for years and years. It was pure enjoyment. Alas, I had found nothing similar round here, but daughter J has just started a small group and we meet in unlikely places once a week to write for a couple of hours.Last week it was the museum in Brighton, and next week it will be the Palace Pier. We also plan Macdonalds (where none of us has ever been) and J suggested a betting shop but I don`t think they would let us in. I usually find museums a bit boring as the objects in them seem worn out with being looked at, but this was good.
Also last week I went to see half Russian baby Daniel born to ex residents from the Meeting House, their fourth. There were several other ex MH residents there too so it was quite a party and the baby was happily passed round and admired. it was a joyful occasion. It is especially good when you are an old person to keep in touch with new babies They are so amazing.
Just been to the Ditchling choir after the summer break, we are going to go and sing on Shoreham beach next time at low tide. Strange!