The dreaded talk was over in a flash, I think it was OK, and I loved my trip to Woodbrooke, the heartland of the Quakers, once the home of the Cadbury family and presumably built on the proceeds of chocolate. Everything there is good and wholesome, and as the Q`s would say, `in right ordering`
I came back in time to go to another film in Ditchling Village Hall, they are all winners. This was `Departures`
a Japanese film about a cellist who lost his job and became a mortician by mistake. I feel I want everybody to see it as gives a completely different view about death and the way we deal with it.
I have been travelling a lot on buses lately: twice lately in central London, in Birmingham and often in Brighton of course. I love the camaraderie and talking to the mothers and babies, and all the feisty old people with their big shopping bags and determined expressions.