Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Museum tales

Just back from a frosty walk with Wiggins.    Ditchling looked pink and beautiful with the sun just coming up over the Beacon. There is a definite improvement in my walking, I no longer look like the old woman on the road signs that say Danger Elderly People. I spoke to a ninety three year old this morning with a fifteen year old dog and she has quite a spring in her step too
I started the Museum Tales writing course yesterday: six weeks every Tuesday we are let loose in the wonderful Brighton Museum to write about the exhibits. They are a lively group and I think I am going to enjoy it.  The only problem is leaving Wiggins who looks at me so piteously when I leave him, but I must learn to be tough.  Fortunately the U3A Reading Aloud group in the Library  that I go to every week, allow him in and the Librarians give him doggy treats.
I saw a sad Korean film at Ditchling Film club called Poetry, about a woman with Alzheimers and a ne`er do well grandson. It has stayed with me for days as good films do but it was disturbing.  . I am going to the panto in Burgess Hill tomorrow which will be an antidote.
I have now abandoned the downstairs loo building project as it seems to involve complicated planning permission etc and I just can`t handle it so perhaps I will have to start thinking about moving again and try to cope with my deep fear of house agents, Oh dear. I am going to look at a bungalow tomorrow.......