Here we are, in the first week in Advent. Stir up Sunday has come and gone and I haven`t made a Christmas cake or pudding as it seems so self indulgent. Last year I ate most of the cake myself right up to the end of January and it does no good for my expanding waistline, worse now that I no longer do dog walkies twice a day.
I am still spending much time at the Eye Hospital, sitting waiting glumly in silent rows, all bleary eyed from the drops they put in..I joined the Macular degeneration society so I am now officially a DEGENERATE. One of the things they recommend is to eat kale. I bought a big bag of it in Waitrose, but it was an effort to get the rubbery stuff down even after it was well cooked.
Son in law D took me to the Dome Theatre in Brighton last night to a stand up show, a German comic called Henning Wehn who is often on the radio and television and whom we both like. It is so brilliant, the way one chap can hold a huge audience for a couple of hours with clever satire on
Germany Brexit, British plumbing, Trump and immigrants in such a hilarious yet gentle way.
I realised I was at least twice the age of everyone audience if not more.
I was very impressed by the fact that the GP phoned and invited me round to check that I was OK `Do you need help with anything?`she enquired. It is so different from the tales you hear of people not being able to get an appointment with the doctor for weeks, and the NHS going down the drain. I tried hard to think of any ailments I might be worried about,but luckily could not think of anything except a large unsightly wart on my hand which she is going to see to.
I have decided that all present buying, wrapping, card writing, the lot, I am going to leave till the last minute. I just can`t stand the thought of things like Black Friday, and frantic online ordering and buying. I shall just have a mad panic in the week before Christmas. No mince pies, tangerines, or
chocolate Santas will pass my lips till then.