Wednesday 3 August 2016

The Eyes Have It....

I keep thinking of Quaker George Fox on his deathbed,who suddenly sat up and said ` I am clear. I am fully clear` 
After months and months of increasing fuzziness and blurriness, I had a cataract operation yesterday and today everything seems extraordinarily clear to me, and will be even more so, hopefully, when I have the other eye done in a few weeks time.
It was more of an ordeal than I expected, lying with my face covered up, except for an eye hole cut out and listening to the conversation of the surgeon teaching another one how to slice into my eyeball, remove one lens and poke a new one in   There were all sorts of interesting psychedelic shapes and colours. and weird noises from what I think was a laser machine. It took about thirty minutes, but it didn`t hurt at all.  When I took the eye patch off this morning, everything looked clear and bright. It was amazing and I am delighted.     
The trouble is I can now see the fluff on the carpets, spider webs on the ceilings and grimy windows, all of which I was blissfully ignorant before.    I have decided to go online and buy a new vacuum cleaner and give the place a going over. 
It is an ongoing saga, just keeping my ancient body in working order.  It is like owning an old banger of which I have had many in my time. Bits fall off and unexpected rattles occur and you wonder how long you can keep it on the road.     In recent months it has been eyes, joints, hearing, dodgy leg, to name just a few. What next I wonder?   But in the meantime I feel very well, full of pep and looking forward to joining dear old friend, J for a holiday in Cornwall later this month.