Thursday, 20 November 2014

moe mud......

Venezuelan daughter in law is here to stay from Washington DC. We have been trawling the local charity shops as they don`t have anything quite like them back in the USA and we have a particularly good crop here. There s one where everything costs a pound or less, that is my favourite.   I am planning to do some of my Christmas shopping there.
Daughter in law is a trained healer and she has been giving me treatments, much in need at the moment as I fell over in a quagmire on an early morning dog walk a couple of days ago.   I did not injure myself but I had great difficulty getting up and just kept becoming more and more plastered all over in mud with B.Wiggins gazing at me in horror. I was so glad I managed to get home without any Ditchlingites seeing me as even my face was muddy and the next day I was all stiff and aching.   But the healing treatment has helped
I have a big gang of Darlings coming for lunch on Sunday so I am about to start cooking the inevitable quiches etc. The meal will have to be on laps as I have not got room to sit everyone round a table.
I am enjoying my four books from the last mobile library visit: the Ian MacEwan one The Children Act is a winner and I am loving The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters. 
Also  I saw a brilliant film at the Ditchling Village Hall: Nebraska, highly recommended.     
Son Toby is soon to come home from India where he has been teaching Tibetan refugees . He will be sad to leave as it has been a very happy time but he says he is looking forward to a some home comforts like central heating (it is very cold at night) and also showers and baths.