B.Wiggins did a really awful thing on Sunday. A very kind person offered to look after him while I was at choir and he chewed a huge hole in a travel rug on her sofa. I was mortified. But we had a subsequent nice outing to a National Trust shop nearby and bought a replacement and I have decided that having a dog is a bit like owning a car. Every now and then you get a parking ticket or have to buy a new clutch.
I am so enjoying the Indian summer and I am out every afternoon picking blackberries on our walks. B.W. takes a dim view of it as he likes to Get On so he sits looking annoyed watching me pick. I have also been given lots of windfall apples and people round here put vegetables like runner beans, tomatoes and courgettes outside their gates for free, so walks become foraging expeditions.
I have just had another nasty internet experience. I became convinced that the man on the help line I got on to when I was unable to log into my email, was a heinous crook I tried to put a stop on my online banking and they said `I think you are overacting Mrs Darling` Daughter J then said`let me have a go, Mum`and she instantly solved the problem. I think old persons like me are sitting ducks. We pretend we understand technology but we don`t really and then we panic.
The improv group is ten years old, (daughter J was a founder member but I have only been in it for five years) It does us such a power of good as well as being hilarious. It is totally free and just needs someone`s front room or kitchen, and it meets every week. It is good for all ages; we have two ten year olds and there is another old girl about the same age as me.
My tips for old age: Get a dog, for the exercise (even one that chews things up) and do improv on a regular basis.