I` m off to sit for the Grey Ladies thiis morning. They are an Art Group that meets every week in the Meeting House (I do not know how they got that name as they are not particularly old or grey). I have sat for them many times before and I really enjoy it as I get all the village news and I am actually paid! Not a princely sum but acceptable all the same. I do not look at their work as when I have done so in the past I am shocked at how old and wrinkled they perceive me to be.
This afternoon, I am off to the Infants and we are doing woodwork. It is only balsa wood but the kids love hammering and sawing and also we smother the little boxes they ar making in glue and as I have said before there is nothing I like better than a spot of glue.
I saw an upsetting Swedish film the other night called Emma`s Bliss., which involved the aforesaid Emma killing several pigs. The method she used was cuddling and kissing them and suddenly plunging in a knife so that they merely looked surprised and did not squeal or feel any pain. Later in the film she did the same for her husband. I do not recommend this film to the ultra sensitive. It was very gory.
I watched the Childrens Parade in Brighton on Mayday. Children from every primary school in the city march through the streets dressed up as film characters, with their teachers bravely marching backwards whilst conducting a band of drummers and tooters. It always brings a lump to my throat. It is so joyful and hopeful.
I heard my first cuckoo this morning when I took B.Wiggins out for his walk over the buttercup meadows.