Tuesday, 8 April 2014

The Axeman Cometh....

Disaster struck last weekend. The demon hacker violated my computer and got his evil way.  It is quite shocking to an Elderly Person like me. Well to anyone really. I put a stop on my online banking in case he got his paws on my meagre savings and it has been a nightmare thinking up new passwords and memorable information`which I instantly forget.  I had days of not being able to download the Guardian cryptic crossword, google recipes, let alone do this blog and I suffered severe withdrawal symptoms.   Grand daughter M came to my rescue and also R, a good Quaker friend and all is well now I hope.  
I have just about caught up with my replies to all the kind friends who emailed or texted to tell me of the strange rogue emails that were sent by the hacker. Some were from people I had not heard from in years, so that was a treat.
I saw a film at the Village Hall the other evening, a Ken Loach film called The Angel`s Share. Our film club served whiskey along with the coffee and tea as it was about some skullduggery in a distillery done by a bunch of young unemployed Glasgow lads. The dialogue was totally undecipherable apart from alternate F.words. It really should have had subtitles, but it was a good film.
I have been in Ditchling for exactly four years and it has gone so quickly. I really like it but I do still miss my old friends and people popping in.  No one seems to do it round here.