He and I had some wonderful walks in the forests and hills around the Derwent Valley while we were away,.though the weather was blustery at times. I stayed with dear sister J, and also saw the rest of the tribe including three great grandsons and such well turned out polite boys they are too, it made my great grandmotherly heart swell with pride. There was the deliciousness of Christmas meals, and rather more wine and G and T`s than is my usual habit, and several spirited games of Scvrabble plus time to read new books: All in all a joyful time.
And now back to decorous Dumbrells Court and my cosy bungalow. I wrote out my New Year Resolutions on the train: Apart from trying to be a kinder and more considerate Old Person and Dog Owner, I resolve to : : Get my bathroom `done` (it has horrid pale avocado bath and basin etc)
Finish arranging and paying for my funeral, Finish a writing project I have been doing for ages, Get an IPhone like a proper grown up person instead of the £10 one from Tesco`s, (then I can bore everyone with photos of my dog,and grandchildren as I am always being swooped on by people showing me their pet`s pictures on buses and trains) But the most important resolution of all is to be creative and have as many good times as possible with family and friends and Make the Most of Life In the words of our beloved Julia: While we can, while we can.........