The solicitor reports that the new deeds for the bungalow are in a file on someone`s desk in London, I picture a dusty Dickensian office with feeble shortsighted clerks with quill pens. You would think they were preparing the Magna Carta. I have given up hope of ever moving, so I am going up North to visit sister J and grand daughters plus the three baby boy great grandchildren. I am leaving B.Wiggins in Brighton as it is such a long train journey and he barks at men carrying suitcases.
I went to the Isle of Wight for the day last Monday. It took hours on buses, trains, ferries, and more buses and poor B. Wiggins got bored, especially when we missed a ferry going home and we were stuck on the end of Ryde Pier for an hour in the gathering dusk. But I had a lovely day and nearly went in the sea for a swim at FreshwaterBay. There were lots of Darlings and friends and relations and I wish I had decided to stay longer.
I am about to challenge daughter J to a game of Scrabble. Along with the daily cryptic crossword puzzle it may help to keep the brain active. i read in the Guardian that two cups of hot chocolate a day improve the blood flow to the brain and prevent memory loss, so I am trying that too. I rather like it.