Saturday, 30 October 2010

I have been back in Winchester all week which is why this blog has not been written. When i go there, I have a `cafe life,` meeting friends in teashops, pubs, and cafes.  It is surprising how long we can sit, talking ten to the dozen ( that is an odd phrase what does it mean?) over one cup of coffee.  Since getting back, I have spent a couple of hours catching up on emails and ansaphone messages, not to mention the dreaded Face book which is getting a bit out of hand.    Life is changing all the time, all this would never have happened quite a short time ago. 
I have decided that I will not have things in my house that I do not use. I am going to be ruthless. Old poeple have too much stuff.  This is after staying with dear friend B in Winchester. She does not have email so she will not read this and be offended.