Tuesday, 14 September 2010

and did those feet?

I am reasonably fit for my eighty almost years except for my terrible feet.  I thought I had made a breakthrough when I was in Winchester as I found some idylically comfortable shoes and bought two identical pairs, but alas, they too have joined the pile ofexcruciating ones in my cupboard.  I am amazed that modern science has not come up with something.   I just have to go everywhere on my bike, hills and all.  They have also come up with a new illness: `mild cognitive impairment` or brain shrinkage, one more thing to worry about and apparently vitamin B is good. So I am heaping the Marmite on my breakfast toast and probably pushing up the blood pressure with all the extra salt.....
One problem has been solved: I now have a writing group at daughter J`s house with three of her friends and we take turns to be a tutor. It was nice and hilarious last Friday. I also have a Baroquey sort of music group, and there is going to be a Ditchling choir starting up, nothing highbrow like the old days with Bach`s B minor Mass etc, but songs from the shows, lovely.