Sunday, 26 September 2010

Just time to write this before going to Meeting, a change for me from wrting Lists Of Things To Do, like don`t forget black rubbish bags, cricket bat and balloons to put on the gate, for next weekend.    I put `dogs welcome` on the invitations to my 8oth birthday do and  at the last count there were nine, all very well behaved animals of course, but I hope they get on. I am looking forward to seeing my dear sister who is coming to stay which will give me some moral support, but it is all a bit of a worry.
Yesterday I did my usual Saturday stint at Brighton Meeting House.  The main event was a chess match between Dieppe and Brighton, so it was a quiet afternoon. I had a request from one player for some chocolate as he said he needed it to concentrate, but otherwise they were an undemanding group. There is a constant stream of people wandering in, a mother with a baby with tummy ache (!), people who want to know what Quakers are, gentlemen of the road who want a cup of tea, two sugars. 
Grand daughter M went off to Uni in London yesterday, her usually slightly chaotic bedroom looked so bleak and empty but she has sent me a cheery text this morning.   

Saturday, 18 September 2010

red shoes

Last night I watched the service on TV from Westminster Abbey for the Pope. The chap with the incense got rather carried away, the poor little choir boys were almost obliterated in holy smoke.  I was intrigued to see that the Pope was wearing bright red pointy shoes, and the Archbishop of Canterbury was wearing a large yellow lamp shade on his head.  How these chaps do love to dress up.    Having said all this, it was a moving and beautiful event and I joined in all the hymns with gusto, which alarmed the cat.
I have moved all the furniture round again in my front room and it looks much bigger.  One of the advantages of living alone is that you can do things like that late on a Friday night and there is no one to moan and say `must you?` Perhaps I will stay in Ditchling after all.
It is J`s birthday party tomorrow and we all have to wear red ( like the Pope`s shoes?) and bring red food, such as Heinz tomato soup and strawberries.  I must trawl the charity shops for a suitable outfit.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

and did those feet?

I am reasonably fit for my eighty almost years except for my terrible feet.  I thought I had made a breakthrough when I was in Winchester as I found some idylically comfortable shoes and bought two identical pairs, but alas, they too have joined the pile ofexcruciating ones in my cupboard.  I am amazed that modern science has not come up with something.   I just have to go everywhere on my bike, hills and all.  They have also come up with a new illness: `mild cognitive impairment` or brain shrinkage, one more thing to worry about and apparently vitamin B is good. So I am heaping the Marmite on my breakfast toast and probably pushing up the blood pressure with all the extra salt.....
One problem has been solved: I now have a writing group at daughter J`s house with three of her friends and we take turns to be a tutor. It was nice and hilarious last Friday. I also have a Baroquey sort of music group, and there is going to be a Ditchling choir starting up, nothing highbrow like the old days with Bach`s B minor Mass etc, but songs from the shows, lovely.   

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Just back from almost a week in Winchester.  I feel like St Peter`s toe in Rome, I have been so continually kissed , by friends, residents, ex residents, assorted Quakers, even Barry in the paper shop looked as if he might. It was heartwarming to be welcomed back and I did enjoy it.  But it was good too to get back to Ditchling and the ecstatic cat, and my comfortable bed.
My main reason for going was the leaving party of my dear neighbours, D and M who are moving Up North next Monday.  I also helped them a bit, mostly with packing up pictures of which they have an extraordinary large amount.  Interesting what we all hang up on our walls, once up there we are stuck with them for ever, and we hardly look at them. I got rid of most of mine and now I slightly regret it.
I am starting to get worried about my birthday party. I had one of those anxiety dreams last night when there was not enough food. Suppose it rains on the village green?  We will all be stuck in a dark barn, suppose nobody comes?