Wednesday, 27 September 2017

My eighty seventh birthday is looming up, but as so many of my friends and neighbours are well into their nineties, I still  feel comparatively young.

There are various jollities planned, including a family get together a gala improv night, and a sedate tea party for some of the Dumbrellites with the bone china cups and saucers gleaned from the Winchester dump aka the Recycling Centre years ago.

It is also Quaker Week and I foolishly volunteered to organise a coffee morning at the Ditchling Meeting House and I doubt if any punters will turn up.     It will probably be us local Quakers eating the home made cakes and chatting to each other.It is difficult  to think of ways of drawing in the populace as the Quaker image is still of women in funny bonnets and men wearing hats like the ones on Quaker oat packets.

Brighton is abuzz with the Labout PartyConference at the moment and there are Fringe events with people queuing up   and a general air of excitement.    Our Jeremy is doing well and it is something to feel cheerful about amongst all the direness of Trump and Brexit and the rest.

I still feel quite confident  driving round the Sussex lanes (and into the outskirts of Brighton where I catch the bus) and having watched the programme on TV about centenarian drivers including one who was still proficient at 105,  I hope I can continue to do so, but I am infuriated by the fact that all the meters round here will not take money any more   You have to have a smart phone which  85% population now have.    But I can`t hear the instuctions in busy traffic, and can`t read them if it is dark and I can`t do the keypad easily either, so I still rely on my ancient mobile phone and seethe with rage when I cannot park near the hospital, or even outside daughter J`s house.   

I have just seen the film Victoria and Abdul and thoroughly enjoyed it as I love Judi Dench and a lot of it was filmed at Osborne House in the dear isle of Wight. It is a bit of a pantomime with all the courtiers getting infuriated with Victoria`s goings on but apparently true.    Hard to imagine our dear old Queen behaving in such a rebellious manner.