I had always imagined that the Bloomsbury set had a high old time at Charleston (not far from here) painting every surface in sight and being liberated and creative, but not so, according to the recent plays on TV. They all seemed to be so miserable and tortured and had no fun at all. But it was atmospheric and well acted and a welcome change from cookery programmes with everyone smacking their lips over slices of cake.
A midsummer inertia has overtaken me which is why I have not written this blog for so long, though do not imagine that I have been slumped on the sofa for the past three weeks doing nothing. I have been to a hundredth birthday party in Winchester which was a great occasion, Vernon is still walking to Meeting, playing his recorder and he has only recently given up circle dancing. There has been the usual Nibbles and Scribbles weekly sessions, the Impro Group and my out -of- tune cello playing in our regular quintet. Also I went to a family gathering in Kew Gardens last Sunday and Oh the trains! They kept being cancelled because drivers hadn`t turned up. That never used to happen did it? We were packed in like sardines. But we had a lovely day out and I really enjoyed it.
B.Wiggins is completely resigned to being muzzled in the hallowed precincts of Dumbrells Court and if he sees a gardener or a postman, he gives a muffled snort rather than a bark. I have had no more tellings -off from the Headmaster.
I am enjoying blackberry time again. I am just about to go and pick some and make a blackberry and apple pie for when grand daughter Florrie and family (three little boys) come on Thursday. What a treat it will be to see them all.